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With Curbside Services Increasing, Sign Bases are Becoming a Necessity

Posted by Garrett Fishaw on

Have you been to a fast food restaurant or pharmacy or grocery store recently? If so, you'll notice designated parking spots up close to the buildings, reserved for curbside pickup or mobile ordering. It has become the new thing as everyone is on the go and looking to get their food as fast as possible, without having to get out of the car or go inside the restaurant. And the trend is only scratching the surface. 

According to researcher Crone Consulting, in five years, “half of all sales at quick-service chains will be placed digitally before the customer ever steps foot on the premises”. However, for that prediction to come true, it’ll need to grow and grow quickly. The same report mentioned that just ten percent of companies now-a-days even offer an order-ahead option. 

With the increase in curbside services, what is your business doing to adapt to the industry change? 

Developing or joining a reliable phone app is one step but, as far as your business goes, you'll be needing sign bases to inform and direct customers to the proper parking spots. 

Having clear, portable sign bases that standout to incoming customers and keep your business looking clean will go a long ways. That is why we suggest adding our reliable sign bases to your place of business. 

Made from HDPE plastic, our sign bases are available in two different styles (Pyramid and Octagon) and just about any color to match your branding needs. The bases are also available with wheels to make them portable, which allows any employee to move them around to change up parking spot locations or bring them inside during non-business hours. 

Our sign bases can do it all. 

If you're looking to add or improve your curbside pickup services, please contact us today at 1-800-914-4771 or by emailing us at for more information on the available styles and colors!